#34 The Worst Advice I Have Ever Taken

Sometimes we think the people who have given us great advice and guidance are always right. Its a weird shortcut we take once we have a little trust built up. Is any human ever always right? Well then that would make them not human wouldn’t it.

On this episode I share lessons learned from taking bad advice from good people, and one way of thinking about how to stop doing that.

If you are getting value out of the show please share with someone you know.

I’d love to connect with you and hear your thoughts, and feedback on the podcast or a particular show, which you can do by sending a message to the podcast handle on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wayofthebonfire/ or if you don’t trust your self to not get sucked into accidentally scrolling endlessly on social media, you can you email me at nate@wayofthebonfire.com.

Thanks for listening!

#33 The “Not Going to Stop”Commitment

Some things in life are things we do once. Some things for a while. Some things we try. Some things we do on and off, and some we never stop.

When we consciously decide and commit to never stop something, it becomes confounding and compounding.

We discuss what we can do to control what is conditional and what is unconditional. The commitment makes it inevitable and infinite in its impact.

A commitment to not ever stop is different than never give up. You can say, I will never give up on something that has a natural end. Like a boxing match. You may not give up during the match. But the match ends. So saying I will never stop a thing focuses on lifelong never done commitments.

The power of consistency and habits and determination and discipline all have a great value and are covered a lot by gurus and in books. Not stopping can co-exist and amplify these, but it is not dependent on them.

If you are getting value out of the show, please share with someone you know.

I’d love to connect with you and hear your thoughts, and feedback on the podcast or a particular show, which you can do by sending a message to the podcast handle on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wayofthebonfire/ or if you don’t trust yourself not to get sucked into Insta scrolling you can simply send an email to nate@wayofthebonfire.com.

Thanks for listening!

#32 A fresh quote on releasing un-needed burdens

My number one lesson learned in the last year on gaining clarity and unblocking the things you did not know were holding you back.

Its a brand new “Riggleism” from yours truly. “Learn to let go from the get go”.

When you hold on to the wrong things, resent, personalize, or defend as a default, it is blinding and the enemy of connection and fulfillment.

If you are getting value out of the show please share with someone you know.

I’d love to connect with you and I need to hear your thoughts, and feedback, and any ideas you have on the podcast or a particular show, which you can do by sending a message to the podcast handle on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wayofthebonfire/ or if you don’t trust your self to go on social media without scrolling and losing time, you can email me at nate@wayofthebonfire.com.

Thanks for listening!

#31 The goldmine of good conversations

Conversations are underrated. Because we waste the bigger opportunities hidden in so many of them.

I think they contain the key or the map leading to everything and anything we could possibly want or need. But we let our fear, egos, indifference, ignorance, and impatience get in the way.

This episode is chock full of tactics and principles from personal experience, and decades of mistakes on learning what not to do, and how being real, being open, and being curious is the key, to unlocking the bigger treasure they contain.

Its not just about pretending to be interested in someone to win them as your friends and influence them. (Sorry Dale Carnegie) Its about actually being interested in them, and not letting your agenda, or assumptions, or anticipations, or shortcuts, or desire for control or personal gain or a quick win, get in the way of something far greater.

Its about bringing patience, and practice and true transparency, thoughtfulness, empathy, and intention. Knowing when to speak and when not to.

Easier said than done. And always a work in progress. But its worth the effort.

If you are enjoying the show or getting value out of it in some way please share it with someone you know.

I’d love to connect with you and hear your thoughts, and feedback on the podcast or a particular show, which you can do by sending a message to the podcast handle on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wayofthebonfire/ or to skip the social media scrolling sand trap, you can you email me at nate@wayofthebonfire.com.

Thanks for listening!

Shift Perspective With Two Powerful Questions

In this one, we have movie references and two questions to stay focused on what will or won’t help a situation.

Would it help?

How is this helping me?

If you are enjoying the show, or its having an impact, please share with someone you know, so we can bring more good stuff, more often.

I’d love to connect with you and hear your thoughts, and feedback on the podcast or a particular show, which you can do by sending a message to the podcast handle on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wayofthebonfire/, or to skip the social media scrolling sand trap you can you email me at nate@wayofthebonfire.com.

Thanks for listening!

#28 Fulfillment From The Best Thing You Can Bring

Some people bring a presence that is contagious in a good way. Sometimes we are in a great mood and state of being and we don’t even realize how we got there. Its usually not just how you rolled out of bed, but is strongly based on a choice you made, or someone else’s influence. Today I share stories from the life of Big Rig that we can use to purposely and intentionally develop that muscle of positive influence to be a bigger bonfire.

#27 Who Are You “On Call” For?

We don’t wear pagers anymore, but anyone can metaphorically page us. This one is eye opening if you consider that you may be unintentionally bound to a 24/7 “on-call” shift in your life to more people than you think you are, and that pager is not silent.

The simple tactical exercise in this episode takes maybe 30 seconds to create awareness, but it brings back hours and days of your time if you do something with that awareness.


#26 Learning to better Use the Tools of Words and Language

Talk is only cheap if you cheapen it.

Yes running your mouth is a bad idea.

But how we use words matters just as much as what we do. Ignoring the power of words in the name of “taking action” is setting us up to have words overpower us. Words and Actions are meant to be companions that can feed each other. Often one does not exist without the other.

Saying that “words are just words” is like saying a powerful tool doesn’t work because it has not served you. At some point its not the tool, its the operator.

Words are actions.

We all think we speak and understand our native language well.

Since we know the words and the grammar of a language well enough to function and speak and write it, its easy to assume we hear others and understand the meaning of their words, and are being understood when we speak.

But all misunderstandings come from this overconfidence. A lot of missed opportunities and deeper connections are squandered because we thought we got the point, but we didn’t care to stop and take another step or two to look a little closer, and say what if I am missing something here?

Do you really know what someone means? Do the people you speak with understand you? Are you sure?

Time to use curiosity to make sure.

Enjoy this one!

#25 You Can’t Dream Big Without the Simple and Small

Its good to want to level up and grow and progress and push towards the highest potential in anything. So why does it sometimes feel like something is still blocking us despite great vision and attitude and knowledge and desire?

Why when you have done healing of life’s big traumas and conciously let go of the negative things holding you back, does it still feel like you can have high hopes and vision of the future, but you just won’t get going or stay going?

In this episode I share two things that are often the most overlooked and underestimated in clearing that last hurdle. Sometimes its the smallest things that are easiest to misplace.

Please consider these simple keys to finally unblocking your path and letting your bonfire grow to its brightest and fullest potential.