Ep 76 Key Momentum Question: What Are You Accumulating?

We lose momentum and stamina in ways that we don’t notice. We all accumulate way more than we realize overtime. In the ongoing pursuit of wealth, knowledge, experiences and a resume of accomplishments, there are things that come along for the ride that cause weight and clutter and stress that we can get rid of if we choose to. But not if we don’t take inventory in our physical and mental world. We can accelerate and increase capacity in our business, our relationships, and our health if we ask the honest question: What have I unintentionally accumulated, and do I still need it?

changewithnate.com For anyone to book a free 30 min strategy call live with yours truly and work together on clearing the path to your dreams.

mastersofthemiddle.com Free PDF collection of 7 Secrets for Entrepreneurial Dads to overcome overwhelm, and and accelerate sustainable growth in life’s most demanding phases.

wayfirelabs.com Grow your business better with proven partnership mindsets, strategies, and tactics.

Ep 75 Lessons From Everywhere: The Game of Poker

changewithnate.com For anyone to book a free 30 min strategy call live with yours truly and work together on clearing the path to your dreams.

mastersofthemiddle.com Free PDF collection of 7 Secrets for Entrepreneurial Dads to overcome overwhelm and accelerate in life’s most demanding phase.

wayfirelabs.com Grow your business better with partnerships.

This one is all about life lessons hidden in plain sight from the game of poker. List below for quick reference:

  1. You need to have a plan for different stages of each hand and for the stages of the entire game itself.   
  1. You need to base this plan off of certain proven tested principles.
  1. You need to be 100% aware of your emotions and what types of things trigger them, and why.
  1. All in is not a concept you should always base your strategy on. It’s like a Hail Mary. Recognize that it is not a sound way to play most hands. But it is the only way for some hands.
  1. You need to stick to your plan and be consistent.
  1. You can’t win without paying.  And paying requires some risk and uncertainty. 
  1. If you win when being reckless, that is not something you should expect to keep happening.
  1. Pay attention to everything that is in your field of vision and ear shot. But don’t jump to conclusions.
  1. Know the odds, but don’t let them block you. Probability is not the only factor.
  1. Pride and Ego will be exploited.
  1. Understand that bluffing can take on many forms.  (relate this to the art of war)
  2. Don’t feel obligated by fear of losing what you already paid.  (Know when to fold em.)
  1. The chips you lose are just research tokens.
  1. The chips you win are just like an attraction that you had to pay to see within the bigger event. Don’t over pay to see any one attraction.
  1. Let others pay for you to see the big attraction if they are willing.  Return the favor.
  1. Pay attention when you fold. Don’t check out. It’s like having access to free research and hints.
  1. Distractions are fun but can be a wolf in sheep’s clothing
  1. Sometimes when you want to back down you should double down.
  1. Double Down is a better option than All In sometimes
  1. Don’t double down because you want to get back what you lost.
  1. Don’t ever assume you know how to read the other players with anything more than a 40% degree of confidence.
  1. Don’t let regret from losing the last hand take you off your game for this hand. 
  1. Do not seek revenge or payback. 
  1. You don’t have to ante on every hand.
  1. What you think is a crappy hand can be the winner.
  1. It ain’t over til it’s over.
  1. Don’t bet on your hand, bet on yourself.

Ep 74 Prepared Is Different Than Ready

Preparation is not perfect anticipation. You need to accept that you can never be perfectly ready for most things worth doing. Preparation must include provisions for what you know will happen, what you think is likely to happen, and for the good and bad things you can’t predict.

Preparation should accelerate momentum, not delay it.

Personal stories and parallels from the literal playground and the metaphorical playground of life in this one.

If you are tired of lack of progress in your business or personal dreams and goals, lets chat. Just book a time at changewithnate.com

Ep 73 How I Learned That Everything Is Figureoutable

Its not genius or talent, or experience, but partnering up with a curious and determined mindset that unlocks most doors.

One conversation can be the key. Book a call at changewithnate.com.

Ep 72 What The Numbers Game Got Wrong

Not everything is a numbers game. Sometimes you just need one.


Book a free strategy call with me at changewithnate.com, when you are ready to shift into a new gear, in your personal and professional life.

Ep 71 Change The Momentum Of Your Reality

If you have ever struggled with feeling like you are paddling in place upstream and despite working harder and harder, the current only gets faster, then this episode is worth a listen.

Lets talk about it. Book a free strategy call with me at changewithnate.com.

Ep 70 The Perspective Paradox

Perspective can open your mind to a completely new angle and countless possibilities or it can distract, and sap your momentum. In this episode we discuss how to let it work for you, not against you.

changewithnate.com to get on my calendar and kick down some personal growth doors together.

wayfirelabs.com to book a free strategy session for growth in your business.

Ep 69 Take Back Your Wait Time

What do you do with the little moments in your day when you have to wait for something?

The 10 minutes between meetings.

While you wait in traffic.

When you arrive somewhere early.

Imagine what kind of gold they might contain if you were more intentional. If you used them not to be hyper-efficient or to escape for a minute into some distraction, but to find a little more meaning, or presence or connection.

If you swapped out your default moments of killing time in low impact and low meaning scrolling and isolation, for something greater, but still low effort. Text a person you care about and make them laugh. Drink a glass of water. Close your eyes and let go of those stressful thought loops.

Take back control of the golden opportunities hiding in the minutes in between.

changewithnate.com to get on my calendar and get to that next step in personal growth.

wayfirelabs.com to book a free strategy session for growth in your business.

Ep 68 The Forgotten Secret Of: Walking

In a time where there are endless options and new ways to feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically, and socially, through all sorts of programs, walking still seems to have more benefits than most.

changewithnate.com to get on my calendar and get to that next step in personal growth.

wayfirelabs.com to book a free strategy session for growth in your business.