Ep 86 What Is Your Soundtrack?

We wouldn’t let anyone change the soundtrack in our favorite movies, but we are not near as vigilant with the soundtracks we allow to play in our lives. Five questions to ask to stay in charge of what gets to play. 1. What are you listening to? 2. Why? 3. Where is it coming from? …

Ep 84: 3 Mantras For Progress In Any Circumstance

Getting momentum and moving the needle is simpler than you think. There are a lot of reasons we lose momentum, and even stop moving, but it never has to stay that way. The three mantras in this episode are 1 word, 2 words, and 5 words. 8 words total to change the course of anything …

Ep 80 Adventure Mindset and The Three “Ships” of Connection

History’s lessons for great adventures and better connections. Adventure: The Three Ships of Connection changewithnate.com free zoom strategy call with yours truly. mastersofthemiddle.com  7 Secrets for entrepreneurial dads. wayfirelabs.com Compound your business growth and enjoyment.

Ep 79 Mental Time Travel For Intermediates

What if you could take a peak into your future and understand how you would do something differently now if you had your future knowledge and experience? There is a way. Enjoy this episode and don’t forget to leave a review! changewithnate.com Book time to chat directly with me over live video call for a free quick …

Ep 78 The Real ABC’s of Sales

Everyone sells something. But real sales is not about getting something that just benefits the seller. Its not about pushing for a close. Real sales is about connection. changewithnate.com Book time to chat directly with me over a live video call for a quick discussion where we will work together to help you get more momentum. mastersofthemiddle.com Free …

Ep 76 Key Momentum Question: What Are You Accumulating?

We lose momentum and stamina in ways that we don’t notice. We all accumulate way more than we realize overtime. In the ongoing pursuit of wealth, knowledge, experiences and a resume of accomplishments, there are things that come along for the ride that cause weight and clutter and stress that we can get rid of …