Ep 64 Lightning Round: 35 Things I Learned Investing In Myself

Wayfirelabs.com This episode is me rattling off a rapid fire list of some high level key takeaways of wisdom from investing in personal development and high performance and lots of trial and error. I have more, but this is a good start for a lightning round episode to help you shorten the learning curve from …

Ep 63 Lets Pretend It Is Just Me

Wayfirelabs.com It is not just you, but what if it was? How would that change your approach? How would that change what you do and say? This thought experiment is uncomfortable, especially if you take it beyond thought and put it into action in real life even for a week. Because life is not fair. …

Ep 62 Shorten The Resilience Gap

Wayfirelabs.com Habits and Discipline are powerful. But Resilience is what shows up when they don’t. Discipline and Habits are designed to help you be committed and automatic and consistent, so you never miss. But they are also a major source of discouragement when life grabs you by the face and says “What now tough guy?” …

Ep 60 Footholds of Connection Part 4 of 5

This foothold of connection is all about friendship. The most underrated and untapped superpower on the planet. This is a wake up call to everyone but especially to people in the “middle”, age 30-55. Moms, and even more so, Dads, need to wake up and realize they will be better parents and spouses if they …

Ep 58 Footholds of Connection Part 2 of 5

This episode is part two or step two of strengthening your true connections and focuses on identifying the connection you have to a good guide or guides and to examine how well that guide is keeping you on track. ——————– Book a free strategy session for accelerating business growth or personal growth in better ways …

Ep 54 Skill Zero: Using Your Internal Compass

There are a lot of skills and strategies and tactics for navigating our lives, and a lot of people and programs and groups who are itching to have you adopt their way of doing things. But the most important, but overlooked and neglected skill we can develop is the ability to think and judge for …

Ep 48 Doing All The Right Things, Still Feeling Wrong?

This episode tells the story of the walking wounded in mind and spirit. Putting in a valiant effort, and never giving up. Getting results, and progress, but feeling unfulfilled and trapped with no understanding why. Trying to help others in worse condition, but ignoring their own, expecting it to resolve itself. Feeling like as long …

Ep 46 Get In the Game, Stay In the Game

One question that is really easy to overthink. Where do I start? What are the right steps to take after that? We won’t do a lot of things because we are not sure where to begin, or where its going to lead, or why its better than where we already are. People like to say …

#43 Fulfillment from “Swords and Scabbards”

On a previous episode I mentioned a book called “The Power of Truth” by the author William George Jordan, written in 1902. It was so jam packed and striking to me that I have decided to share a principle or two from the book on an ongoing basis from time to time. In the chapter …

What the Mountain Taught Me About Comparison, People, And Perspective

Today is story time. Climbing a mountain with my brother and the unexpected lessons I learned about people on the way up and down. Its a good episode for anyone who feels they aren’t as good as they once were, to see a perspective that shows there are better things to think about. —– If …