#26 Learning to better Use the Tools of Words and Language

Talk is only cheap if you cheapen it. Yes running your mouth is a bad idea. But how we use words matters just as much as what we do. Ignoring the power of words in the name of “taking action” is setting us up to have words overpower us. Words and Actions are meant to …

#25 You Can’t Dream Big Without the Simple and Small

Its good to want to level up and grow and progress and push towards the highest potential in anything. So why does it sometimes feel like something is still blocking us despite great vision and attitude and knowledge and desire? Why when you have done healing of life’s big traumas and conciously let go of …

Navigating the Irony of Fear

Fear is a tricky emotion. Sometimes helpful. Sometimes its the very thing that causes the pain we were afraid of. How should we interpret it in ourselves. In this episode we have stories from fiction, from real life history, and from everyday life to show that its worth getting to know yourself a lot better …

How To Write Your Own Life Itinerary

In this episode we dive deep into discovering the evolving and emerging Themes and Patterns in your life to chart your own course. -Why you should be the one discovering who you are. -The pitfalls of putting all your trust in one thing. -Awareness of counterfeit coincidences -How to follow and find the real themes …

Curiosity Challenge #3: Don’t Just Count Your Blessings

Come on why try to number them all? Get curious with this challenge and list them out and describe them as much as you can in writing in a notepad or journal. Just do 10 and share one with a friend, and watch how it changes your outlook and daily interactions, and you can mark …

Space To Accept the Challenge

A short follow up to the previous episode entitled The Forgotten Secret of: Creating Space.    I realized over the last week, since I shared the 10 areas to create space in your life, that I had not mentioned that one of the major benefits to creating space in your life in the first place …

Life Span, Health Span, Fulfillment Span

We can only kind of control how long we live. We can try to impact how much of our time is spent in a state of good health.  But an even better goal is to maximize the amount of our lifetime spent in a state of true aliveness and fulfillment.   See comparison of the overlapping …