#26 Learning to better Use the Tools of Words and Language

Talk is only cheap if you cheapen it.

Yes running your mouth is a bad idea.

But how we use words matters just as much as what we do. Ignoring the power of words in the name of “taking action” is setting us up to have words overpower us. Words and Actions are meant to be companions that can feed each other. Often one does not exist without the other.

Saying that “words are just words” is like saying a powerful tool doesn’t work because it has not served you. At some point its not the tool, its the operator.

Words are actions.

We all think we speak and understand our native language well.

Since we know the words and the grammar of a language well enough to function and speak and write it, its easy to assume we hear others and understand the meaning of their words, and are being understood when we speak.

But all misunderstandings come from this overconfidence. A lot of missed opportunities and deeper connections are squandered because we thought we got the point, but we didn’t care to stop and take another step or two to look a little closer, and say what if I am missing something here?

Do you really know what someone means? Do the people you speak with understand you? Are you sure?

Time to use curiosity to make sure.

Enjoy this one!